Racism causes pain, psychological damage and trauma and has been usualised in social systems for centuries. We aim to disrupt, reduce and prevent its damaging impact on people and within organisations.
Silence about race is common; research suggests silence contributes to racism being generated systemically. We seek to prevent racism through coaching 1-to1, in teams and organisationally.
Our work recognises racism, using and generating people’s agency to protect themselves and others from it.
We support leaders to explore and question:
Silence about race is facilitated through colour-evasion. People are socialised to avoid talking about race through institutional structures, such as, schools. These habits become upheld in institutions which means racism becomes hard to address.
Resisting Racism is an online accountability space to create a solidarity space for anti-racist practice. We support people to be active in questioning whiteness in their lives and resisting its dominance in society.
As part of our work, we use research and coaching to support leaders to engage with concepts of whiteness, racism and white complicity. Researchers, such as Picower (2009), Sleeter (2001) and Alcoff (1998), have shown, white leaders especially can evolve their professional approaches by engaging with concepts of whiteness.
We use group coaching as a method to support people to reflect upon their own positions in a society that advantages white people.
Research demonstrates that unlearning and challenging socialised racism through inner working models requires regular practice. This programme is a monthly collective that comes together to connect and become cognisant about the ways whiteness affects their lives.
Book a free zoom or phone call and we can have a chat
Book your first session and we can start creating your future
Resisting Racism is a white accountability space to contribute to the development of anti-racist practice. We create accountability structures to support people to be active in questioning white supremacy in their lives and their positionality in society.
As part of our work, we use research and coaching together to support leaders to engage with concepts of whiteness, racism and white complicity. Researchers, such as Picower (2009), Sleeter (2001) and Alcoff (1998), have shown, white leaders especially can evolve their professional approaches by engaging with concepts of #whiteness and understanding investment in whiteness. In this programme we use group coaching as a method to support practitioners to invest time to reflect upon their own positions in a society that advantages white people. Research demonstrates that unlearning and challenging socialised racism through inner working models requires regular practice and so this programme is a monthly collective that comes together to connect with concepts of whiteness and receive challenge and become cognisant about the ways whiteness affects their lives.
We invite practitioners to a contained, challenging supervisory space to process responses to concepts of whiteness and be part of a collective group to maintain anti- racist positions as people racialised as white.
We will meet monthly to read and reflect on materials aimed at stimulating reflection on embodied whiteness and white complicity. We include a group coaching space for participants to process what they have felt and understood. Group coaching is a collective, boundaried space for people to come together to raise questions for their own learning and development.
This course provides a regular collective, boundaried coaching space for people racialised as white to receive challenge and interruption, by learning about and engage with concepts such as whiteness and embodied racism.
This programme will raise awareness and challenge of some, but not exclusively, all of the dynamics of whiteness:
Your 2-hour coaching space monthly; plus reading materials.
The fee is £45 per monthly session.
The maximum number of people per session is 12.
The sessions are targeted at white leaders or educators to process and reflect on their own racism.