Widen Your Lens
We advise, recommend and offer critical friendship to organisations

Our associates are experienced at bringing about organisational change. They are practitioner researchers who offer different ways of supporting organisations to create more equitable spaces.
Relevant Advice and Guidance
Whatever your organisational requirements, we can help, with customised consultancy, mentoring and research.
Book a free introductory meeting on Zoom or the phone and we’ll have an initial chat to discuss your situation. We can work on-site or remotely, scoping out what you need, gathering the relevant data and offering relevant advice and guidance.
When people are active in leadership, they often need their community and network to recalibrate their experiences in the field.
Mentoring is defined as ‘useful wisdom’.
Our coaches have lots of useful wisdom from their own experiences in organisations and can provide space to mentor leaders through challenges.
Mentoring can support leaders to:
- accelerate projects
- refine their approach
- focus on challenges

What do you get?
- Online 1-to-1 mentoring in leadership with your Mentor
- Development of strategy and project planning
- Shared resources to accelerate and deepen your development
How does it work?
- We can work with you as part of an induction process funded by your employer
- We can support you to get to know your leadership position following 360° feedback
- We can meet online to increase supervision in leadership and support with projects
- We can provide challenge as a ‘critical friend’
Find out how mentoring can help - have your questions answered
Expanding evidence in the field
Our researchers are trained to doctoral level and write nationally about inequity, discrimination and its impact in organisations
Examples of our research:
- Prevention of school exclusions of Black Children in England (commissioned by
- De-colonial and Antiracist perspectives in teacher education & education curricula in the UK
- Resisting whiteness: anti-racist leadership and professional learning in majority White senior leadership teams in UK secondary schools

Commission us to research for you - find out more

and Deputy Lieutenant for the County and City of Bristol